View the most important details of all companies on our platform
The Companies API gives a high-level view of a company's location, size and sector alongside many other key data points, such as contact details and recent accounts
Key details
- Use your Beauhurst API Key to authorise your request
- Use a list of Companies House IDs, Beauhurst Company IDs, names, websites or a Collection ID to see details for companies you are interested in
- Use the 'includes' parameters to select what important information you want to return on the companies
- Use the modified since parameter to see company data updated after your chosen date
Sort by name, companies_house_id, registration_date or last_modified_date to order the results
Number of results to return per page
The initial index from which to return the results
Companies House IDs or Beauhurst Company IDs you want to search for
Include any combination of data values to only return data you want
The Companies Object
Beauhurst Company ID
Basic details of the company
Field name | Data type | Description |
name | string | Company name |
registered_name | string | Registered name |
registration_date | string | Date of company registration YYYY-MM-DD |
other_trading_names | string | Other trading names for the company |
companies_house_id | string | Companies House ID |
employee_count_range | string | Range for most recent employee count |
last_modified_date | string | Date last modified YYYY-MM-DD |
beauhurst_url | string | Beauhurst platform URL for the company |
website | string | Company website |
tracked_status | string | Tracked or not tracked |
started_tracking_at | string | Date when tracking started YYYY-MM-DD |
company_status | string | Active, In Administration or Dissolved |
is_sme | boolean | If the company is an SME |
cessation_date | string | Cessation date YYYY-MM-DD |
ultimate_parent_company | array of strings | Name, Companies House ID and country of the ultimate parent company |
Classification of the company
Field name | Data type | Description |
industries | array of strings | List of industries of the company |
top_level_industry_groups | array of strings | List of top level industry groups |
sectors | array of strings | List of sectors of the company |
top_level_sector_groups | array of strings | List of top level sector groups |
buzzwords | array of strings | List of buzzwords |
latest_stage_of_evolution | string | Seed, Venture, Growth, Established, Zombie, Exited or Dead |
stage_of_evolution_transitions | array of strings | List of: Primary date in YYYY-MM-DD Stage before Stage after |
description string | string | Description of the company |
tracking_reasons | array of strings | List of tracking reasons |
target_markets | array of strings | List of target markets |
founder_female_percentage | number | Percentage of female founders |
sic_codes | array of strings | List of SIC codes |
actively_hiring | string | Yes, no or unknown |
legal_form | string | Legal form of the company |
signals | array of strings | List of growth, innovation, environmental and social & governance signals |
Overview of fundraising and grants
Field name | Data type | Description |
n_fundraisings | integer | Number of fundraisings |
total_amount_fundraisings | integer | Total amount raised in fundraising |
n_grants | integer | Number of grants received |
total_amount_grants | integer | Total amount of grants received |
latest_valuation | integer | Latest valuation of the company in GBP |
Summary of the company contact information.
This will include the head office address of the company where known, otherwise the registered address.
Field name | Data type | Description |
country | string | Country the company is based in |
lep | string | Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) |
region | string | UK region |
postcode | string | Company postcode |
address | string | Company address |
emails | string | List of emails for the company |
telephone | string | Company phone number |
registered_address | array | Registered address |
key_contacts | array | List of key contacts |
Full registered address of the company
Field name | Data type | Description |
address | string | Registered address |
county | string | Registered address county |
lep | string | Registered address LEP |
region | string | Registered address region |
postcode | string | Registered address postcode |
List of information on the key contacts
If you opted to not have contact available through the API you will not be able to see the key_contacts
Field name | Data type | Description |
people_id | string | Beauhurst People ID |
name | string | Name of key contact |
email | string | Email address of the key contact |
beauhurst_url | string | Beauhurst URL of the key contact |
linkedin_url | string | Key contact LinkedIn URL |
currently_active | boolean | If the contact is currently active |
title | string | Title of the key contact |
job_functions | array of strings | List of job functions |
List of current and previous directors
Field name | Data type | Description |
people_id | string | Beauhurst People ID |
name | string | Name of the director |
email | string | Email address of the director |
from_date | string | Date directorship started |
until_date | string | Date directorship ended |
currently_active | boolean | If the director is currently active |
List of social media links
Field name | Data type | Description |
twitter_handle | string | Twitter handle |
instagram_handle | string | Instagram handle |
pinterest_handle | string | Pinterest handle |
facebook_url | string | Facebook URL |
googleplay_url | string | Google Play URL |
itunes_url | string | Itunes URL |
linkedin_url | string | LinkedIn URL |
Summary of latest accounts. All financial values are in GBP
Field name | Data type | Description |
year_end_date | string | Date P&L Accounts are made up to YYYY-MM-DD |
turnover | integer | Income earned from normal business activities |
operating_profit | integer | Earnings from core operations after deducting its operating costs |
ebitda | integer | Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation |
total_assets | integer | Total of fixed and current assets |
number_of_employees | integer | Total number of personnel employed by the company |
cash | integer | Total cash |
total_liabilities | integer | Total long term and current liabilities |
net_assets | integer | Total assets less total liabilities |
research_and_development | integer | R&D expenditure |
export | integer | Direct exports from the country of incorporation |
auditor | string | Name of the auditor of the accounts |
audit_fees | integer | The amount paid to the auditors for the audit |
List of historic accounts. All financial values are in GBP
Field name | Data type | Description |
year_end_date | string | Date P&L Accounts are made up to YYYY-MM-DD |
turnover | integer | Income earned from normal business activities |
operating_profit | integer | Earnings from core operations after deducting its operating costs |
ebitda | integer | Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation |
total_assets | integer | Total of fixed and current assets |
number_of_employees | integer | Total number of personnel employed by the company |
cash | integer | Total cash |
total_liabilities | integer | Total long term and current liabilities |
net_assets | integer | Total assets less total liabilities |
research_and_development | integer | R&D expenditure |
export | integer | Direct exports from the country of incorporation |
auditor | string | Name of the auditor of the accounts |
audit_fees | integer | The amount paid to the auditors for the audit |