API Reference

Access all the shareholdings of a company


Use the Shareholdings API to show a list of all the shareholders and their shareholdings. See the number of shares, share class and estimated paper worth for the shareholders in the companies you are interested in and track how this changes over time.

Key details

  • Use your Beauhurst API Key to authenticate your requests
  • Use a Companies House ID or Beauhurst ID for the company you are interested in
  • Filter based on annual return date to see shareholdings from a specific time period
  • Use the most_recent filter to only access the most recent annual return
  • For companies with a large number of shareholders use the offset to cycle through the shareholders


company_id string

Use the Companies House ID or Beauhurst ID

limit integer

Number of results to return per page. Default is 20 and maximum value is 100

offset integer

The initial index from which to return the results

annual_return_date_lte date

Less than or equal to the annual return date filter YYYY-MM-DD

annual_return_date_gte date

Greater than or equal to the annual return date filter YYYY-MM-DD

most_recent boolean

Return the most recent annual return

The Shareholders object

List of all shareholdings for a company

Field nameData typeDescription
people_idstringBeauhurst unique identifier for the person
namestringFull name of shareholder
annual_return_datedateAnnual return date YYYY-MM-DD
share_classstringShare class type
number_of_sharesintegerNumber of shares in this share class
share_class_percentageintegerShare class percentage
total_share_percentageintegerTotal share percentage
estimated_paper_worth_gbpintegerEstimated paper worth in GBP