How to authenticate with the Beauhurst APIs

To access the Beauhurst APIs, you will need to authenticate your requests using API keys. The API keys are unique identifiers assigned to your subscription and are used to authorise access to the APIs.

Find your API keys

If you have included access to any of the Beauhurst APIs in your subscription then you can find your API keys in your API Settings on the platform. On this settings page you can access, create and delete new keys.

If you don't have access to the APIs then contact your Account Manager who can get you set up.

Authenticating requests

The Company news API key is needed to authenticate the Company news API, the API key authenticates all other APIs and endpoints.

To authenticate your requests you will need to do the following:

  1. Use a request header named Authorization
  2. The value of Authorization needs to be APIkey followed by your API key

For example, where ExampleKey should be replaced by your API key:

curl -X 'GET' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: APIkey ExampleKey'

Securing your API key

Keep your API key secure and never share it with unauthorised users or applications. We monitor API usage to identify and prevent any suspicious activity or unauthorised access attempts.

If you require a new API key contact your Account Manager who can create one for you.