Welcome to the Beauhurst API
Welcome to the Beauhurst API documentation. Our goal is to provide you with clear, concise information on how to use our APIs to integrate with your applications. You'll find guides and detailed documentation to help you start working with the Beauhurst API as quickly as possible, as well as support if you get stuck.
The Beauhurst API can be used to leverage Beauhurst's extensive data directly in your workflow. Instantly call the data you need on companies, news, people and transactions to build flexible and scalable solutions.
The Beauhurst API is a read-only RESTful service built to retrieve data from the Beauhurst platform that you need.
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The APIs
All of the Beauhurst API endpoints allow a GET request, allowing you to retrieve data from the Beauhurst platform and use it in the applications needed in your workflow. They do not support the ability to update or create data back into the Beauhurst platform.
Use the get company data endpoint to return detailed data on companies using a list of the Beauhurst Company IDs or Companies House IDs. This data includes contact details, transactions, and latest and historic accounts.
The Company API also lets you search by Companies House ID, the name of the company, website or Collection ID to get a list of Beauhurst Company IDs. To do this use the search for companies endpoint.
Collections help you keep track of interesting companies, people, funds and transactions. You can create a collection so that new activity that meets your criteria is automatically added or add what you want to keep track of manually, such as creating a collection of your portfolio.
You can use the Collections API to view the name, number of items and Collection ID for all of the company or people collections in your subscription. Use these Collection IDs in the Companies or People API to see more in depth data on your collections.
Use the modified since parameter to see which collections have been updated recently so that you track the most recent activity.
We find all news articles related to the companies we track. Use the Company News API to automatically access these articles through searching for the Companies House IDs for companies you want to keep up to date with.
If you are using the Company News API then you will need to use the Company News API key.
Use the Transactions API to access a complete list of a company's transaction history. Choose if you want to see the Grant, Fundraising or both and see who has invested, how much was raised and filter by date.
Use the People API to see detailed information on the people you are interested in, such as their key positions, directorships and shareholdings as well as their contact information. Return data on a list of people using a Collection ID or use a list of People IDs and include the data fields that are valuable to you.
Use the Shareholdings API to show a list of all the shareholders and their shareholdings of a company. See the number of shares, share class and estimated paper worth for shareholders in the companies you are interested in and track how this changes over time. You can access all of the shareholders, see the data from the most recent annual return or filter for a specific time period to get the information on shareholders that you need.
Requests and responses
Each endpoint has a number of API parameters you can use to customise your requests to retrieve specific information back. By using these parameters you can create more flexible and powerful API requests to access the data you want.
The majority of our endpoints allow you to:
- Order the results by name, Companies House ID and modified date
- Only see data that has been updated recently
- Limit the number of results per page
- Offset the results to work through the pages of results
- Search for results based on the Beauhurst IDs
Example request
Request to find basic company information on Beauhurst using the Company API
curl -X 'GET' \
'https://platform.beauhurst.com/_api/v1/companies?company_ids=qahx24&includes=name&includes=registered_name&includes=registration_date&includes=other_trading_names&includes=companies_house_id&includes=employee_count_range&includes=last_modified_date&includes=beauhurst_url&includes=website&includes=tracked_status&includes=started_tracking_at&includes=company_status&includes=is_sme&includes=sectors&includes=top_level_sector_groups' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: apikey BeauhurstAPIKey'
Example response
"meta": {
"total": 1,
"limit": 20,
"offset": 0,
"count": 1
"results": [
"id": "qahx24",
"basic": {
"name": "Beauhurst",
"registered_name": "Business Funding Research Ltd",
"registration_date": "2010-07-13",
"other_trading_names": [],
"companies_house_id": "07312969",
"employee_count_range": "100-249",
"last_modified_date": "2023-04-29",
"beauhurst_url": "https://platform.beauhurst.com/company/qahx24/",
"website": "https://www.beauhurst.com/",
"tracked_status": "Tracked",
"started_tracking_at": "2015-05-12T00:00:00",
"company_status": "Active",
"is_sme": true
"classification": {
"sectors": [
"Information services",
"Software-as-a-service (SaaS)"
"top_level_sector_groups": [
"Business and Professional Services",
"Technology/IP-based businesses"
Beauhurst IDs
There are a number of unique identifiers we use across the platform and API. These are used to identify the data type in a consistent way. All of these Beauhurst IDs are six to eight characters long with a mixture of letters and numbers. The IDs available through the API are:
- Company ID
- Collection ID
- Fundraising ID
- Grant ID
- People ID
Support and resources
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the APIs please contact our API Product Manager on saskia.rees@beauhurst.com
The standard FAQs on the platform can be found here but if you have any further questions regarding the platform or your subscription please contact your Account Manager